Planning a Website Design Following Its Content

Planning a Website Design Following Its Content

Table of Contents

Part 1

Planning A Website Design does not have to be difficult, but you should sit down and put some thought into before you begin. Many steps go into creating your own online space and you want to get it right from the very beginning.

When You’re Planning A Website Design, think about what the site will be used for. The purpose of a website will help you to choose a template a lot easier. Try to remember that a template for a storefront is much different than the one you would use on a blog or forum.

Factor in your future visitors when you’re Planning A Website Design. A site draped in pink won’t appeal to your visitors if its topic is baseball. The same is true on a website background that has a thousand eyes when your topic is shoes.

On your Planning, A Website Design list, add a section for the layout. You will not get repeat visitors if they can’t find the links to navigate your site. Your layout should be clean and all of your links to various parts of the website should be easy to see, even when your visitors choose to switch pages.

The color of your website is also very important. The color has to match with any images or logos you have to use and it has to work with the text. Take into consideration the fact that all the text will be black unless you change it. So turning the color scheme to black or dark shade of blue, purple, or green will make it hard if not impossible for visitors to read your content. At the same time, some light and bright colors can hurt the eyes of your visitors and cause them to hit the back button very quickly.

If your website is going to have banners on it, remember the rule of less is more. Most banners in recent times have loud colors, large text, and moving images. If you place ten of them on each page, your website will now imitate a banner farm. Careful planning of your website will help you to figure out how many banners to place and where to put them.

When You’re Planning A Website Design, the font should be on your mind. It is easy to overlook, but the default option that you will be given, may not fully reflect the entire design of your website. There are many different styles and you should check them over to see what fits as your planning your website.

Part 2

Planning is the key to having a great website that is easy to use and find. If you jump in before Planning A Website Design, you may discover things that you did not know in the beginning. If you chose a domain name without thinking about what you want it to say, it’s hard to change it later after you have connected to the website. You will then need to get a new domain name and try to get it back up in the search engines. This will be a waste of time if you already have a lot of backlinks pointing at your web address.

When You’re Planning A Website Design, put some thought into your images. To sell a product, most buyers would like to see some sort of media that will let them know what they’re buying. Put yourself into your visitor’s shoes. Would you get something online without seeing at least one picture of the item? However, like banners, you should not overdo it when it comes to pictures. A few images are good to break up full pages of text, but you don’t want your website to turn into a photo album.

Planning A Website Design takes time, and so does running it. Your website should be updated as much as possible. If you can’t or don’t have the time to create fresh content, outsource the job to freelancers. You can get great articles for decent prices and it will leave you free to concentrate on other aspects of your website. Think about websites that you have visited, only to see that it has not been updated in months or even years.

One of the most important parts of Planning A Website Design is search engine optimization (SEO). You will need to employ a lot of techniques to get website visitors, but your number of free advertising will always be search engines. Your website has to be optimized correctly or you won’t get indexed properly by the search engine spiders or you may not get into the search engines at all.

Next to SEO is the use of your keywords. For the planning of your website, spend a lot of time thinking about your topic and trying to find keywords that fully describe it. You want to create content that uses these keywords because those may be the same words that people will use to find your website and products. Keywords should be used properly at all times. Placing keywords that have nothing to do with your website is a great way to get banned from a search engine or you may be penalized in other ways.

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