What is Web Hosting Meaning? – The Different Types of Web Hosting

Web hosting means different things to different people, but in general it is simply web-hosting services that allow you to put up a web site on the Internet for others to view. The hosts do not actually create the web site, but they provide space on their server for the web site, and as a visitor or client you have access to that server. Some types of web hosting include web design, e-commerce, file hosting, blog hosting, one-click hosting, and web development. All these hosting types have different features and you must choose which one best fits your needs.

Shared Web Hosting

Shared web hosting means that there are more than one web hosting company providing space to your site on a shared server. Each company will be responsible for their own part of the server, and you won’t have access to anyone else’s part. You will need to pay … READ MORE

Important Aspects of Web Tools

For a beginner who is interested in web designing, one of the most important things to understand is the fact that there are various web tools in which you can use to accomplish your desired web design project. Among these tools, there are web calendars, web charts, web calendars, and web-notation etc. All of these are used in order to bring down a large amount of information in web pages.

There are many web tools examples for the purpose of clarification. The web tools examples help in showing the meaning of different web page elements. It is a good idea for a beginner to browse through the web tools examples and get a better understanding of how web pages are displayed. This knowledge will be helpful in the future while working on web projects. Let’s see some of the common web tools examples.

Web Calendars  

A web calendar is … READ MORE