Different Types of Web Development Languages and Frameworks

Different Types of Web Development Languages and Frameworks

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What are Web Development Languages and Frameworks? In an IT world, web development means more than just designing a website. It includes web maintenance, development, marketing, SEO (search engine optimization), management of the company’s online identity. In essence, web development includes all areas of the web development process. The Internet is filled with diverse web development platforms, each offering different benefits to organizations.


So what are the different web development languages and frameworks that can help web developers become increasingly productive? JavaScript: A dynamic web development technology that enables the creation of interactive web applications. Originally developed for Macs, JavaScript is now available for all browsers. Originally, JavaScript was intended for making web games but today it can be used for any web development project.

There are several JavaScript frameworks that can be used for developing web applications. jQuery is a JavaScript library that provides a lightweight Yet powerful JavaScript framework. Besides easing the development burden, jQuery has also proven to be one of the best JavaScript frameworks.

There are other JavaScript frameworks that can enable web applications to be developed faster and more efficiently. Prototype is a small set of libraries that can simplify the development of complex web applications and web services. Underscore is a popular open source library that provides an easy way of creating cross-browser compatible JavaScript with prototype functionality. Backbone is another popular JavaScript framework that provides a simple structure for developing HTML applications. jQueryUI is a library that facilitates integration of user interface components into web applications.

Another common framework is the Java ecosystem. There are a number of Java development frameworks including the famous Java SE platform, the Apache Mbeans framework and the Apache Jakarta framework. All these frameworks have been designed to make the development of web applications easier.


Database management systems are also essential for web development. Oracle is a database management systems that provide many added benefits. Some of its unique features include safety against security issues, transaction speed, reliability and ability to manage multiple transactions in one transaction. In addition to database management systems, a web developer requires a web development tool such as web designing software. A web designing software helps in building dynamic web pages by implementing complex graphic designs using graphics tools and scripts. There are many web designing software such as Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Frontpage that can help web developers to create web pages professionally.

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